Company – SPA “Android Technics”

SPA “Android Technics” is a developer and manufacturer of robotic systems and complexes in Russia

The company specializes in the development, production, maintenance of robotic complexes for various purposes in the field of medicine, education, space, nuclear industry




in the team


In the robotics

Company information

SPA “Android Technics” (SPA “AT”) is an innovative enterprise established in 2009.

SPA “AT” specializes in the development, production, maintenance of robotic complexes (RC) for various purposes, including biomorphic and anthropomorphic RCs. The company’s developments are used in the fields of education, medicine, industry, space exploration and the military sphere. At the moment, more than 120 robotic systems and complexes for various purposes have been developed, some of them are mass-produced. SPA “AT” has got protected intellectual property (more than 60 patents).

SPA “AT” purposefully develops and implements robotic products in science, medicine, space and other high-tech industries. Research and development is performed in cooperation with Advanced Research Foundation, Gagarin Research&Test Cosmonaut Training Center, FSUE “TsNIIMash”, FSUE “Tsniitochmash”, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology of RAS (IHNA&NPh RAS), Joint Stock Company “The Institute of Electronic Control Computers named after I.S. Bruk”, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Federal State Budgetary Establishment “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defence and Emergencies of the EMERCOM of Russia”, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, FSUE “ARSRI “SIGNAL”, FKP PGBIP, Federal Environmental Operator ROSATOM, etc.

SPA “AT” takes an active part in the work of the interdepartmental working group “Robotics Laboratory” at the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation: heads the subprogram “Priority work on the development of the key technology “Internal state sensors, drives and manipulators”, necessary for the creation of a new generation of RCs for 2015-2025.

The company’s staff consists of more than 150 specialists, the average age is 36 years.

2013 y.

In 2013, a rehabilitation robotic complex for post-stroke rehabilitation was developed jointly with JSC I.S. Brook INEUM, N.I. Pirogov RNIMU, IVND and NF RAS. Currently, the complex has been implemented in more than 16 medical centers and hospitals, and several hundred patients have been cured.

In 2013, by order of FSUE TsNIIMash, work was carried out within the framework of the project «Experimental studies of the possibility of performing on-board field operations using the developed hardware and software interface, 3D model and physical prototype ARTS», during the implementation of which scientific and technical groundwork was obtained for the development of robots models SAR-400, SAR-401. As part of the development of the project, the first flight of an anthropomorphic robot into space was planned.

2014 — 2016  y.

In the period from 2014 to 2016, a project was implemented, the customer of which was the FPI. Within the framework of the project, 6 technological layouts have been developed for testing the technology of remote control of a robotic platform, a dynamic equilibrium system, navigation software, control software and a robotic complex «FEDOR». The technologies developed within the framework of the project made it possible to create a demo sample of a robot capable of performing a whole cycle of technological operations.

2018  y.

In March 2018, a project was launched to develop an experimental robotic platform «Marker» (a joint project of FPI and JSC NPO Android Technology), which is a constructor for creating models of warfare of the future.

In 2018, the company developed and is currently producing mass-produced synchronous brushless electric motors with permanent magnets AT Drive. Electric motors have high specific characteristics and are used in many fields of activity.

2019  y.

On August 22, 2019, at 06:38 Moscow time, an anthropomorphic robot FEDOR was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on a Soyuz-2.1a rocket for the first time in the history of cosmonautics, created by JSC NPO Android Technology as part of the project «Development of technology for creating a combined control system for robotic complexes», and completed a full cycle flight.

2020  y.

In 2020, NPO Android Technology JSC adapted its developments to help doctors during the COVID—19 pandemic, transforming them to produce a line of MedBot robotic systems.

2021  y.

In 2021, the Marker project was completed, which provides for experimental and theoretical research on the development of key technologies for special and dual-purpose ground-based robotic complexes.

Implemented projects

2022/ 2020 г.


Программно-аппаратный комплекс для автоматизации розничной торговли SR-201R «Ритейл».

Инициативная разработка НПО «Андроидная техника»

2019/ 2016 г.


Разработка мобильного роботизированного манипулятора для работы в сильных радиационных полях.

Проект реализован совместно с Федеральным государственным унитарным предприятием «РосРАО»

2019/ 2017 г.


Изготовление и поставка демонстрационного образца робототехнической платформы (FEDOR) на транспортном перспективном корабле «Союз МС-14» к МКС.

Проект реализован совместно с Ракетно-косми́ческой корпора́цией «Эне́ргия»

2018/ 2017 г.

UCS-RS (Universal computer stand for robotic systems)

Разработка и создание универсального компьютерного стенда робототехнических систем.

Проект реализован совместно с Центром подготовки космонавтов им. Ю.А. Гагарина

2017/ 2017 г.


Разработка и организация производства информационно-сервисных робототехнических устройств с дистанционным и автономным управлением для обучения и развития детей, в том числе детей с ограниченными возможностями.

Инициативная разработка НПО «АТ» при поддержке МПТ РФ

2016/ 2015 г.

Rescuer UCS-RS

Антропоморфный робот для работы в опасных для человека условиях.

Проект реализован совместно с Фондом перспективных исследований

2021/ 2018 y.


Experimental and theoretical studies on the development of key technologies of ground-based robotic complexes for special and dual-use.

Initiative development of SPA “Android Technics”

2020/ 2018 y.


Development and research of a robotic complex for performing underwater technical work in conditions of limited visibility using a complex high-resolution 3D vision system.

The project was implemented in cooperation with Sevastopol State University

2020/ 2019 y.


Scientific equipment “Robotic anthropomorphic multifunctional system”.

The project was implemented in cooperation with S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia

2008/ 2008 y.


Full-size anthropomorphic robot, 1475 mm high, weighing 56 kg, with 36 degrees of freedom.

The initiative development of SPA “Android Technics”


Разработчики ROS/ROS2 (c++/python)

Опыт работы:
  • от 1 года
  • Работа в офисе
  • Оформление по ТК РФ, соц. пакет

С++/С#/Python программист, программирование прошивок для контроллеров

Опыт работы:
  • от 1 года
  • Работа в офисе
  • Оформление по ТК РФ, соц. пакет

We cooperate with the leading enterprises of the Russian Federation that set the pace of technological development of the country.

Register of Russian Industrial products (RF PP 719 dated 07/17/2015)

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